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Rules & Information

Rules & Information


Stock Charge


Explanation of Stock/Production Charge


The Production Charge at all ropings (including the finals) will be $30/run ($20 stock charge).  So on all 3 head ropings, the production charge will be $90.  We are open to any suggestions on how to structure the payout, but our philosophy is the simpler the better.  We'd love to do it for less, but due to the cost of cattle, building, travel, labor, insurance, and the many other expenses associated with these ropings, that is the best we can do.  We will pay 1 money for every 10 ropers in the Rounds and in the Average (except the #15, #13, #12 and BA which will pay 1 for every 7 ropers).  Beginning at Hamilton December 31, 2023/January 1, 2024 roping there will be a $10 office charge 1x per weekend for each contestant.  Again, comment below if you have any suggestions, we'd love to hear em. 


















UCR payout breakdowns as of 10-6-22.png
Livestock Abuse



Abuse of Livestock


Abuse of Livestock will not be tolerated.  In order for our sport to thrive, we must manage the abuse of livestock.  First offense will be punishable by a $50 fine and an automatic no time.  Second offense, a $100 fine and dismissal from the roping.  Third offense, $500 fine and dismissal from the organization. (I know, good luck collecting

that one..)  The fines and decisions will be regulated by the directors, and the fines collected will be given to the owner of the stock.  Unless of course it is the abusers horse, and in that case, added money to that roping.



Explanation of Membership

*Ultimate Calf Roping Membership Dues are $100, half of which will be added money at the finals.

*Memberships can be paid in payments - $50 first weekend and then 2 payments of $25 per weekend following; membership must be paid by or at the finals to attend.


Send us an email if you would like to get a number!!


Membership forms can be printed, completed, and turned-in at ropings with payment or mailed into the office - UCR   PO Box 8   Canyon, TX 79015.  

Forms will also be available at ropings.


Arena Rules



Rules in the Arena


Competitor must rope the calf, dismount, throw the calf by hand, and cross and tie 3 legs.   The horse and contestant must start behind a mechanical/electronic barrier

giving the calf a fair head start.   Roping the calf is catch as catch can. Meaning the

rope must be in contact with the calf when the contestant touches him. Once the roper has made contact with the calf and the rope is also in contact with the calf, this rule has been satisfied.  The calf must remain in control of the roper and cannot be chased down.  A no time will be issued if the calf gains his freedom at any point during the contest.   Throwing the calf by hand consists of the calf standing upright on at least 3 legs or the calf can be helped up and must have no less than 3 legs dangling straight down given the opportunity to stand. A calf is considered thrown by hand if the roper

has 'Hands On' the calf before the calf falls.   A tie is considered legal when at least 3 legs are crossed, there is a wrap around no less than 3 legs and a Half Hitch or Hooey.

If the tie comes loose or 3 legs do not remain crossed before the judge rules a

complete run, a no time will be awarded.    Once the contestant calls for time by

throwing his hands in the air, he may no longer assist the run by touching his pigging string nor his rope. He may not work his horse by waving his arms or making noises

with his mouth. All will result in a disqualification.   


Cattle will be chute ran in all UCR numbered ropings and breakaway.   Once the calf is

in the chute that calf belongs to that roper.   If the calf is let out accidentally for any reason that calf will be brought back for that roper. 


In the case of accident prevention or animal safety, a contestant may remove or cut his rope and his time will be awarded. Any outside assistance will be a disqualification.

The judge will not only ask the contestant if assistance is necessary, but also at any point when the judge deems necessary, he may call in outside assistance for the safety of both the contestant and the livestock.


***In all of our Ropings, we will be adding a new Rule to Level the playing Field concerning the manner in which we call for our cattle.  A Roper must call for his calf

from the corner of the box, even in a Lap-n-Tap situation.  *** (Added at beginning of 2020-2021 Roping Season)


There is a 30 second time limit, with the exception of the #15, 13 and #12 which have

a 60 second time limit.  (This time limit is set to protect the livestock, not to penalize

the ropers)    Once the contestant has mounted after completion of the run, he must

ride forward putting slack in the rope for 6 seconds. If slack is taken out of the rope by either the calf or the horse, time will be stopped and started over once slack is returned to the rope. If the slack is intentionally taken out by the contestant, a no time will be awarded.   If a calf fails to reach the score line, the calf will be rerun and all penalties incurred on the run will remain on the contestant's time. If a calf is injured prior to competition, or deemed uncompetable by the judge or producer, a rerun on the extra

will be awarded without penalties.   If a calf leaves the boundaries of the arena, the time will be stopped at the time of departure (if no time is recorded we will use the statutory time of 2 seconds), the calf will be returned to the chute, and then the run will be completed lap and tap with the time starting when the calf breaks the plane of the chute to the completion of the run. Those two times being added together.   The line judge will be in charge of judging the barrier and judging the nod. If the barrier fails to work, it will be at the discrepancy of the line judge to award a penalty.  The line judge will evaluate the opening of the chute in conjunction with the contestant's nod. If a foul is incurred by either a 'Bad Gate' or by the neck rope, the contestant must declare and the judge will decide if a rerun will be awarded.  The contestant can declare by pulling up and not competing on the calf.  If a rerun is awarded, the drawn calf will be returned to the

chute for the rerun.  ***Beginning 2023-2024 Roping Season   -  A 1 minute time limit to get horse in the box and ready will be enforced as needed (once your horse hits the corner the first time you have 1 minute to nod)***

** Abuse of Livestock (Horses or Cattle) will not be tolerated.

Fines will be assessed according to the level of the violation.  A second occurrence of Livestock abuse will be a suspension from the Association for 6 months along with an extensive fine, a third violation will be a lifetime ban from all UCR events **




Assoc Rules



Rules of the Association


A fair and even playing field is the goal of our numbering system.  At any point that a Roper advances past the level of his/her division, he/she will be immediately moved to the appropriate division.  If the Roper is a current member and has competed in the

last 3 months at a UCR event, he/she will get to complete the current roping prior to being moved.   The Contestant however, will not get to finish the weekend or series at that number, only the current Roping, this will be at all ropings during the year including the Finals.


If it is the first time that a Roper is competing at a UCR Event, hasn’t competed in the last 3 months, or is being tried down to a lower division - and needs to be moved on ability level or a time 2 seconds under the division, we feel that the Roper was competing in the wrong division and will not get to complete the current competition.  The Contestant’s fees will either be returned or moved up to the correct division.  It will be at the stock contractor’s discretion if a stock charge will be assessed on the “Trial Runs.”


Fighting or conduct that is deemed inappropriate will result in immediate 6 month suspension (or suspension period deemed appropriate at that time by the association).  A 2nd offense will result in being banned from the association.   Inappropriate behavior and livestock abuse will not be tolerated.


#'s Explanation


Explanation of Numbers


#15 - This roping is for the legends of roping that love the sport and want to continue to rope, but aren't able to compete at any other level. 

***New for 2023-2024 Roping Season   -   

     **As of 6-1-23: After careful review of the Roper Requested changes it has been determined that the rule regarding getting calves up in the #15 must be reinstated.   Therefore, the rule will go back to: ropers in the #15 will receive a penalty of 2 seconds added for not "getting the calf up" (only ropers 80 years and over will be exempt from this penalty)

     There will be ropers in this division that have an "Incentive" of 1or 2 seconds off their time on each run, those Incentive ropers will be determined by the association in the #15 division only, and those ropers will be listed under roper numbers.

***As of 5-12-24 - 1, 2 or 3 second handicaps will be assigned at the discretion of the UCR Association.

     The time will be considered "good" for the ropers in this division once the roper has called for time and stepped away from the calf. (no 6 second rule)***

     **As of 5-8-23 after Hamilton, TX roping there will NOT be a cap on the 15 roping; the rules regarding moving ropers with times too fast will be the same as the other divisions (if a roper ties a calf 2 seconds faster than the time allowed in that roping (15 seconds for the 15 roping - any 13 second run or faster) then the roper will have their name added to the watch list, and when that roper has been on that watch list 3-5 times (as determined by UCR in this division) times they will be moved to the next division)

(This roping is for the general age of 70 and over, any exceptions to this age rule would be at the discretion of the association). 


** Ropers over 80 years of age will be exempt from the 2 second penalty.


#13 - This roping is called the #13 because the time it takes to win a go-round in this roping should be a 13 second average.   There will be 2 seconds added to your time in this roping if you don't "get the calf up". (Ropers 80 yrs and over will be exempt from

this 2 second penalty)

   Women over 60 ropers are eligible to be classified or reviewed to rope in the #13 division based on ability level (same rules as men for eligibility in this division)**updated as of 7-1-24** 

(This roping is for the general age of 60 and over, any exceptions to this age rule would be at the discretion of the association). 


#12 - We would like this roping to be the entry level roping for all ages and the roper whose current roping ability is better suited to  the smaller dairy type cattle.   Ropers 

that show the ability to get off and get down the rope with relative ease, but aren't able

to handle bigger, stronger cattle.  There will be 2 seconds added to your time in this roping if you don't "get the calf up". ** (Ropers 80 yrs and over will be exempt from this

2 second penalty)


#11.5 – These are the 11 second ropers.  Occasionally, these ropers will tie faster

calves than that depending on circumstances, cattle, and barrier, but a good solid run

for these ropers should be 11 seconds.  Ropers that tie a calf in any 10 second runs

or faster will be evaluated based on circumstances, cattle, barrier and roping history.   Any moves will be based upon dominance of the roping and ability exceeding other ropers in this division.  Number moves will be at the discretion of the association. 

There will be 5 seconds added to your time in this roping if you don't "get the calf up". 


#11 – These are the 11 to 10 second ropers.  Occasionally, these ropers will tie faster calves than that depending on circumstances, cattle, and barrier, but a good solid run

for these ropers should be 11 seconds.  Ropers that tie a calf in any 9 second runs or faster will be evaluated based on circumstances, cattle, barrier and roping history.  

Any moves will be based upon dominance of the roping and ability exceeding other ropers in this division.  Number moves will be at the discretion of the association. 

There will be 5 seconds added to your time in this roping if you don't "get the calf up". 


#10 – These are the 10 to 9 second ropers.  These are ropers that generally do not

enter rodeos anymore except hometown rodeos.  Occasionally, these ropers will tie faster calves than that depending on circumstances, cattle, and barrier, but a good solid run for these ropers should be 11 seconds.  Ropers that tie a calf in any 8 second runs

or faster will be evaluated based on circumstances, cattle, barrier and roping history.   Any moves will be based upon dominance of the roping and ability exceeding other ropers in this division.  Number moves will be at the discretion of the association. 

There will be 5 seconds added to your time in this roping if you don't "get the calf up". 


#9/Open Tiedown  - This Roping is open to all competitive Ropers


BreakAway - Ropers of all abilities will rope in the BreakAway roping, but this roping

will be handicapped according to the ropers ability. An Open roper will get .25 seconds added to his/her time, an A Roper will get his/her time (even), B Roper will get .25 seconds off his/her time, and a C Roper will get .50 seconds off. This roping is for all women, and then boys 13 & under/ men 60 & over (men and boys capped at “A” Breakaway Roper & capped at #12 UCR Roper).****


4-D Breakaway – This is a roping for all women.  Men holding a current #15, #13 or #12 tiedown classification are also eligible to rope in the 4-D BA (this rules begins with 2024-2025 Season)  It is very similar to the 4-D barrel race, using .5 second splits for each D.  The numbers of D’s paid out is based on number of entries, we generally pay 1 hole for every 7 entries. 



Numbers are based on all ropers being in "like" situation: cattle, barrier, etc. In this situation a 9 roper would be 1 second faster than a 10 roper, a 10 roper would be 1 second faster than an 11 roper and so on.  For the ropers benefit, smaller and weaker cattle are used in the lower divisions; therefore faster times may be seen, but it does

not reflect what the roper's time would have been on same setup as next division up. Because of the different setup his ability is not comparable to that of a different division due to the escalating level of difficulty in each division.  

Classification is based on ability and skill more than individual times in each situation.



Number Moves


Number Moves



* Once a roper is moved they must compete at a minimum of at least 1 roping before being looked at or requesting to be evaluated for a possible move back to previous roping. 


* If a roper has a time 2 seconds faster than their numbered division then they will automatically be moved or put on the watch list for a possible move.  (A roper's winning percentage is also a determining factor in moves and watch lists along with times in each division.)

(When a roper has been put on the watch list 3 times for being 2 seconds faster in their division they will then automatically be moved to the next division.)

(10 second run in the #12 division / 9 & short 10 (under 10.25) second run in #11.5 / 9 second run in #11 / 8 second run in #10 division)

** The #15 & #13 divisions start with relatively the same parameters as the other ropings regarding fast times and watch lists; but any moves or additions to the watch list in these 2 divisions would be at the discretion of the association.


* When a roper is moved they cannot come into the new division with

more $$ won in standings than the #1 person in that division (example: Roper has $8,000 in #10 and is voted/moved to #9; #1 guy in #9 standings has $6,000 won, the roper being moved to #9 will only come in with $6,000 in standings for new division #9)


* When a roper is moved and has $ won in 2 different divisions $$ will roll up in each division and not be combined. (example: roper has $2,000 won in #11 and $1,000 won

in #10 and is moved to #10; the $2,000 will roll up from the #11 to #10 and the $1,000 will roll up from the #10 to the #9)


A roper must attend 10 roping days to rope at the finals, however a ropers numbers can

be changed up to and including at the preliminary ropings, (even if they have a finals position) unless they have attended at least 3 different recent events (weekends) in the 4 months prior to the Finals.


***All requests for number evaluations will need to be emailed to our office at


All decisions made by the association regarding number assignments, moves and watches are not taken lightly.  If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us our office at


Top 25



The Top 25



The Top 25 will be a 2 header & short go for $150 that the Top 25 ropers in the Standings (as of April 22, 2024) will be eligible to enter.   We will have a short round to determine the money and prize winners in each division.   


Each Division will rope for their own Top 25 Added Money, there will be a guaranteed minimum of $2500.00 in each Division.  


$15 per entry during the year (up until October 31) will be collected for the Finals

($5 of that $15 going to the Vegas Roping of that Division, $5 going to the Top 25 Roping of that Division and $5 going to the Finals Roping of that division) **After October 31 it will just be the $10 per entry for the Top 25 & Finals**





The Ultimate Finals


There will be 2 Saddles given at the Finals for each Division; the Year End World Champion will receive a Saddle and the Finals Roping Winner will win a Saddle!!

(along with the other prizes)


#9 and 4-D Breakaway will have a guaranteed Added Money to the

Finals Ropings ($5000 to 4-D BA and $2500 to the #9) 


***Ropers must have attended at least 10 roping days during the year to be eligible to rope in the Finals Ropings (Prelims can count as number 10 in that roping count, the Finals do not count in that 10)***


The Ultimate Finals Ropings are very similar to the Showdown Ropings, and the qualifications are listed below.  The Added Money from the Memberships is added to

this roping and based upon the # of members in each division. (If there are 200

members (full membership required) in the #10, then there will be $10,000 added to

this roping and a Saddle will be given to the Average Winner of this roping.)



***The Added Money at the Finals - $15 per entry during the year (up until October 31) will be collected for the Finals ($5 of that $15 going to the Vegas Roping of that Division, $5 going to the Top 25 Roping of that Division and $5 going to the Finals Roping of that division) **After October 31 it will just be the $10 per entry for the Top 25 & Finals** 

The $5 added to each Roping is designated for non-sponsored portion of the prizeline, the remaining amount of the $5 per entry pot will be added to the added money from the memberships of the ropers in that division. 


A roper must attend 10 roping days to rope at the finals, however a ropers numbers can

be changed up to and including at the preliminary ropings, (even if they have a finals position) unless they have attended at least 3 different recent events (weekends) in the 4 months prior to the Finals.




Ways to get a Finals Position

Win a roping – no limit to the number of ropers entered
Win Second at a roping with 25 or more entered.
Win Third at a roping with 50 or more entered. (3 is the max number in a roping)

Attend 7 ropings - Each day counts separately (Sat and Sun would be 2 days).  

Also, at ropings when there are 3 headers and 2 headers in one Saturday

   each roping will count separately (enter the 3 header and 2 header and it would

         count as 2 days).


***Beginning in 2023-2024 Season -

There will be 5 ropings during the year that a roper can win a "Bonus Finals Position" - This Bonus Position will be in addition to the usual Finals Position won during the year or at the Prelims.  

These will be awarded at the following ropings: Memorial Day in Stephenville, TX; July 4th Weekend in Glen Rose, TX; Labor Day in Stephenville, TX; October in San Angelo, TX; and New Year's in Hamilton, TX. (7-head average winner)***

Win a position, possibly a second position, by being in the top 15 of the preliminary roping. (Places 1 thru 15 will have a position but will be required to pay entry fee).



Finals Positions


Ultimate Calf Roping goes All-In for Vegas!!!

We are so excited to announce that UCR will be going back to Vegas again this year and taking 20 in each division!!

$15 per entry during the year (up until October 31) will be collected for the Finals ($5 of that $15 going to the Vegas Roping of that Division, $5 going to the Top 25 Roping of that Division and $5 going to the Finals Roping of that division) **After October 31 it will just be the $10 per entry for the Top 25 & Finals**


UCR Goes All-in for Vegas 2024

The top 20 in the standings of each division (#15, #13, #12, #11.5, #11, #10, #9 and Handicap BA) as of October 31, 2024 will have the opportunity to go rope in Vegas December 9-10, 2024.

(roper must have attended at least 7 days of roping by Oct 31 to be eligible)


(#9 roping - must have 10 qualified ropers having attended 7 ropings in order to have the #9 division in Vegas)


The entry fee of $1700 will include roping fees along with hotel room at The Orleans Hotel and Casino and stall for 3 nights! Check in for UCR Roping will be Sunday December 9th by 1:00 pm and a Back Number Party at 2:00 pm. The roping will be

4 head format split over the 2 days (Monday and Tuesday).

(This entry fee will be able to be paid in payments prior to the event)


$500 bonus for the Roper coming in with #1 Back Number in each division

Rope Can for Fast Calf in each division

Buckles for each Round and Average!!


Payout with 20 Ropers: Rounds (4 rounds - $2,000 each)    Average ($10,000)

                                                          1st $1000                                 1st $5000

                                                          2nd $600                                  2nd $3000

                                                          3rd $400                                   3rd $2000


Ultimate Calf Roping          


Office Phone: 806-349-3925


Mailing Address:

PO Box 8

Canyon, TX 79015

Webb Roping Productions

Junior NFR Qualifiers Information

(972) 978-4814



Copyright © 2010 - All Rights Reserved - Ultimate Calf Roping Copyright © 2021 - All Rights Reserved - Webb Roping Productions
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